Best Air Conditioners in the Summer

How to keep homes cool and comfortable is one of many people’s top concerns as the summer months get closer. Using an air conditioners is one of the most efficient methods to achieve this, but many people are unsure of the ideal temperature to set their AC to. We’ll discuss the ideal AC temperature in the summer in this post, taking energy efficiency, comfort, and health into mind.

Energy Efficiency

Let’s start by talking about energy efficiency. Lowering the temperature of your air conditioners will surely speed up the cooling process, but it can also significantly increase your energy costs. The U.S. Department of Energy claims that by merely lowering your thermostat by 7–10 degrees for eight hours a day, you can reduce your cooling costs by up to 10% annually. As a result, if you generally maintain your air conditioning at 72 degrees, you could save money by turning it up to 78 degrees when you’re away from home or asleep.


Of course, there are other factors to take into account when choosing the temperature for your air conditioner. Another factor is comfort. The average comfort level for most people is between 72 to 78 degrees, but this might change depending on humidity, airflow, and individual preference. Some people prefer a cooler temperature for sleeping, while others are happy with a slightly warmer temperature if they have a fan or a breeze.


Health is another aspect to consider when making decisions. For several groups of people, including the elderly, small children, and those who have particular medical issues, extreme heat can be deadly. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends keeping indoor temperatures at or below 78 degrees during hot weather to reduce the risk of heat-related illnesses such as heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

So, What Is The Best Temperature For Your AC In The Summer?

The answer is dependent on your particular situation, but the following are some general guidelines to think about:

  • Set your air conditioners to a pleasant setting between 72 and 78 degrees when you are at home and awake. Try out various temps to see which suits you the best.
  • To save electricity, think about turning up the temperature on your air conditioner while you’re away or asleep. For eight hours each day, the U.S. Department of Energy advises lowering your thermostat by 7 to 10 degrees Fahrenheit to reduce cooling costs.
  • To lower the risk of heat-related diseases, keep interior temperatures at or below 78 degrees if you or anyone in your home is particularly sensitive to heat.
  • Employ portable or ceiling fans to assist the airflow and cool the space.
  • Take into account installing a programmable thermostat, which enables you to set various temperatures for various times of the day. This can lower your energy costs and guarantee that your house is always comfortable.
  • Ensure that your AC unit receives regular maintenance and servicing. An unclean or broken appliance might waste energy and inadequately cool your home.


The ideal temperature for an air conditioners in the summer cannot be determined in a general way. The appropriate temperature is influenced by things like comfort, health, and energy efficiency. You can find the temperature that works best for you and maintain a cool, comfortable house all summer long by experimenting with various temps, using fans to move the air, and taking care of your AC unit.

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